Translating Arabic poetry makes me appreciate its beauty even more. Here is an attempt at a couple of lines about the agony of love.
Let me know your thoughts لو كانَ لي قلبان لعشت بواحدٍ وأفردت قلباً في هواك يعذبُ لكنَّ لي قلباً تّملكَهُ الهَوى لا العَيشُ يحلو لَهُ ولا الموت يقربُ كعصفورة في كف طفلٍ يهينها تُعَانِي عَذابَ المَوتِ والطِفلُ يلعبُ فلا الطفل ذو عقل يرق لحالها ولا الطيرُ مطلوقُ الجناحينِ فيذهبُ (قيس ابن الملوح) If I had two hearts then I would live with one and leave the other one tormenting in your love Alas I only have one heart, possessed by love to continue on living does not appeal to it and death is not drawing nearer Like a tiny bird in the hands of a toddler Suffering the pains of death while the child is at play Neither the child is understanding of its pain to have pity on it nor are the bird’s wings free for it to escape below is a sung rendition of it by Lutfi Bushnaq
AuthorPalestinian, Muslim, American, Husband, Father, Academic, Pharmacist, Coffee Addict, Nutella phene, Pseudo writer, Soccer player, former Canadian, Community servant, Pinch hitter imam, interfaith ninja, Intellectual vigilante, and the undisputed KING of snark Archives
October 2023
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